Fertility Webinar: How does egg freezing and IVF affect my life and work?

IVF and the workplace: a webinar

In the fourth of our fertility awareness webinars, we’re exploring a question we often get asked; “How does egg freezing and IVF affect your life and work?”

Join us on Thursday, 4th May at 1pm

Sign up here

The difficulties of infertility and fertility treatments are exacerbated when also juggling a demanding job. A lot of patients speak of being worried about disclosing their treatment plans to managers, or even asking for time off, because they don’t want to be judged or penalised, or overlooked for a promotion.

In the next Fertility Awareness webinar with Bloss, on Thursday 4th May at 1pm, we’re exploring a question we often get asked; “how much will egg freezing or IVF affect my life and work?”

The good news is, with the right support – from your clinic, friends and family, and more importantly, in the workplace – it is manageable.

Join Stephanie Desmond, ex-IVF patient and co-founder of Bloss, and Emma Kafton, The Evewell Patient Services Director and co-founder, along with a panel of fertility specialists, advocates and patients, who will share their experiences and helping to raise awareness of what happens when you have egg freezing or IVF treatment, and need to keep up with the day job.

Joining Stephanie and Emma will be;

We’ll be exploring what happens during egg freezing and IVF, including experiences of the impact on your day-to-day life, as well as what you are legally entitled to, and the work Fertility Matters at Work are doing to lobby the government and businesses to help future fertility patients.

We hope this will be an insightful, and useful session – for both employees and employers to consider joining.

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