IVF & Fertility Treatment Success Rates | IVF London | The Evewell
Success Rates

Transparent and proven results

We recognise when it comes to choosing a fertility clinic to help build your family, it’s not only a financial commitment, but an emotional one too.

Your trust is in the right team

We think differently and behave ethically. We’re about creating families. We put our patients’ clinical needs at the centre of our decision-making. And thanks to our highly skilled team, we’re able to treat a range of infertility, even where other clinics have deemed treatment unlikely to succeed.

That’s why we’re proud to show the following success rates, honest and clear representations of exactly how we have helped create families.

Illustration of a fertility doctor in a fertility clinic laboratory with a green background

Setting the scene

We understand it can be easy to get overwhelmed with data when considering a clinic. So we’ve chosen to display our success rates in the way the HFEA recommend every clinic adopt.

The HFEA have three measures of success: births per embryo transferred, multiple birth rate and births per egg collection (within two years of egg collection).

These are all important factors to understand when choosing a fertility clinic, but what do they mean?

Our data

Our success rates set out below illustrate babies born per embryo transferred – not only because we believe that single embryo transfer is ethically the right thing to do (because multiple pregnancies pose significant risks not only for the mother but also for the babies), but this is a core focus of the HFEA.

All of the following data is from treatment cycles at The Evewell Harley Street (which opened in October 2018) and The Evewell West London (which opened in May 2022) from January 2023 to December 2023, against the national average for treatments performed in 2018 or 2019, as reported by the HFEA (which is the most recent national average data published by the HFEA).

Babies born per embryo transferred 2023

Against 2019 HFEA national average

* Treatment cycles from January to December 2023 at The Evewell Harley Street and The Evewell West London, based on 667 embryos transferred, patient's own eggs. † Against national average for births per embryo transferred, patient’s own eggs, performed in 2019, published by the HFEA on the Choose a Fertility Clinic part of its website.

Maximising Chances

We don’t select patients based on age or fertility history, and where appropriate, do as much as we can in the pre-transfer stage to optimise the chances of success, for example: incorporating gynaecological investigations and further tests into your treatment plan.

In addition to being highly ethical and treating every embryo with the care and respect they deserve, fertility treatment at The Evewell is both personalised and collaborative, with the entire clinical team reviewing every patient in our daily “All Hands” meetings.

Babies born per unscreened embryo transferred 2023

Against 2018 HFEA national average

* Treatment cycles from January to December 2023 at The Evewell Harley Street and The Evewell West London, based on 349 unscreened embryos transferred, patient's own eggs. † Against national average for births per frozen embryo transferred, patient’s own eggs, performed in 2018, published by the HFEA on the Choose a Fertility Clinic part of its website.

Building families

We work hard to give our patients options and choices, minimising pregnancy loss and creating families, both now and in the future.

Our results for babies per frozen embryo transferred are significantly higher than the national average, thanks to the collaborative efforts of our clinical team and embryologists, who are focused on optimising every cycle and giving future family-building options to our patients.

An ethical approach to treatment

We believe in treating our patients ethically and respectfully, handling each precious embryo with care and responsibility.

We’re all about helping our patients plan their families – both today and in the future. And above all, we want to support and enable you to have options and choices.

Babies born per PGT-A screened vs. unscreened embryos transferred

The Evewell internal data comparison

* Treatment cycles from January to December 2023 at The Evewell Harley Street and The Evewell West London, based on 300 PGT-A screened frozen embryos transferred, patient's own eggs. † Treatment cycles from January to December 2023 at The Evewell Harley Street and The Evewell West London, based on 239 unscreened frozen embryos transferred, patient's own eggs.

The impact of PGT-A

If you have plans for more than one child, your consultant and embryologist may discuss with you the choice of more than one egg collection and adding PGT-A into your treatment cycle, before considering an embryo transfer, to create options for when you’re ready to come back for baby number two.

Either way, you’ll benefit from an embryologist consultation and the collective experience of our entire team, before and during your cycle.

Babies born per fresh embryo transferred 2023

Against 2018 HFEA national average

* Treatment cycles from January to December 2023 at The Evewell Harley Street and The Evewell West London, based on 110 unscreened fresh embryos transferred, patient's own eggs. † Against national average for births per fresh embryo transferred, patient’s own eggs, performed in 2018, published by the HFEA on the Choose a Fertility Clinic part of its website.

Babies born per fresh embryo transferred

Our success rates at The Evewell for 2023 show a considerably higher number of babies born per embryo transferred than the national average for 2018, in all age groups under 40.

This is achieved by our highly skilled embryologists identifying the embryos that will most likely result in a live birth, considering the overall gynaecological health of the mother and transferring as few embryos as possible – a core focus of the HFEA.

One large sofa and two chairs in the West London Evewell Clinic

Please note that there are limitations to all fertility clinics’ success rates, and we recommend that patients use them as a guide only. Multiple factors, such as personal medical history, will affect any treatment outcomes. Therefore, it is important to recommend discussing your individual chances of success with your consultant.

Information on success rates is only one factor when choosing where to seek treatment and comparing fertility clinics. The HFEA’s ‘Choose a Fertility Clinic’ function is a useful source of information. For further information, clinic success rate comparisons and advice on choosing a clinic, please see the HFEA guidance.

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