How To Increase Fertility In Women | The Evewell Advice
Fertility advice

How to increase fertility in women

When trying to conceive you may feel like there are a lot of things out of your control. However, there are lots of ways to increase fertility, to help you take back some control.

How to increase fertility in women

It’s incredibly important to look after yourself when you are trying to conceive, a healthier you means a healthier reproductive system and ultimately a healthier baby.

From exploring what you eat to supplements and exercise, read our tips to increase fertility.

If you are considering starting your fertility journey we can help! At The Evewell, we are fertility experts and can help with any questions you may have. Please get in touch, you can call us on 020 3974 0950 or email us at


If you are interested in how to increase fertility naturally, being aware of what you eat is the one of the best natural ways to increase fertility. Good nutrition will help with fertility and will produce more nutritious eggs and uterus, which will determine whether fertilisation, implantation and a viable pregnancy will occur.

Our top diet tips include:

  1. Drinking 1.5l of water per day: water is essential for our body to function properly, reproductive system included!
  2. Eat your protein (the right kind)! Protein is vital for the body’s creation of hormones, enzymes and blood cells as well as creation and repair of body tissues. Eggs, poultry, fish, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds are all great sources of protein.
  3. Avoid trans fats, found in margarine, vegetable oils and processed foods. Instead increase your in-take of healthy fats, such as avocado, olive oil and chia seeds.
  4. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants deactivate the free radicals in your body which can damage egg cells. Fruit, veg and nuts are all high in antioxidants.
  5. Eat less carbs generally, but when you do eat carbs, go for complex-carbohydrates such sweet potato, oats, broccoli, courgette and swap your refined carbs, such as white bread for brown bread and white pasta for brown pasta etc.
  6. Eat more fibre, as it helps you keep your blood sugar balanced and can reduce excess hormones in the body.
  7. Go for your 5 a day of fruit and veg and eat the rainbow!


Cut down your caffeine in-take, as it can have a negative affect on female fertility and has been linked to taking longer to get pregnant, increased risk of miscarriage and infertility. Try to keep consumption below 200mg a day, and be aware, as caffeine is found in tea, chocolate and many soft drinks. Try to also steer clear of decaffeinated versions, as they usually contain quite a few chemicals.


Consuming alcohol has been linked to taking longer to get pregnant and other infertility issues. Consider limiting alcohol as much as possible where you can.

For more information on ways to increase fertility with diet, read our fertility diet guide here.


Smoking is linked to a number of fertility issues such as:

– Taking longer to get pregnant
– Problems with fallopian tubes
– Damage to eggs as they are developing in the ovaries

If you are looking to get pregnant you should try to give up smoking completely. Read our article here.


Being aware of your weight is an important factor for fertility, both being overweight and underweight can have a negative effect on fertility. To increase your fertility ensure you are a healthy weight and not have a BMI that is considered underweight or obese. Read our article on how weight can affect fertility for more information.


Supplements are a good way to get a good dose of vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients we need in the body and may be deficient in. However, supplements should never be taken in place of a healthy diet and it’s imperative to consult your doctor beforehand to ensure you are taking the right things and amounts for your body. Read our article on fertility supplements here.

Avoid stress

Stress has been linked to infertility and can also result in us using unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking alcohol or smoking. It’s important to focus on your mental health and minimise stress where possible. Finding the right support, meditation, therapy, exercise, diet and journaling can all help reduce stress. Read our full article on stress and fertility here.


Exercise is important and is a great way to increase fertility, as a sedentary lifestyle has been associated with higher risk of infertility. It can also aid in weight loss if you are over-weight. However, there is such thing as too much exercise and it’s important to ensure you are doing the right amount of exercise when looking for ways to increase fertility. Gentle exercise such as walking, cycling, light jogging and yoga are all great options.


Sleep is important to reduce stress and keep ourselves feeling our best. It also helps repair damaged cells and to regulate our hormones.

Try to get a regular sleep routine. Look into activities such as reading, meditation or light stretching are before bedtime. Also, try to avoid ‘blue light’ from phones and the tv at least an hour before bed, as this has been linked to reduction in quality of sleep.


Consider what medications you are taking and discuss these with your doctor as these may reduce your fertility or interact with any supplements you may want to take.

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