Egg Freezing | IVF & Fertility Clinic London | The Evewell

Egg Freezing
Helping you build a family, when you're ready.

We recognise making the decision to freeze your eggs is empowering, but it can also be overwhelming. We’ll take the time to really understand both your current situation and how egg freezing can fit into your life.

Egg freezing at The Evewell

97% survival rate for all eggs frozen at The Evewell

Recommendations, unique to you

We only believe in open and honest recommendations, and this also applies to treatments such as egg freezing.

During your initial consultation, we will work together to find the best plan to preserve your fertility for the future.

This may include egg freezing or embryo banking. Either way, you will be fully supported throughout your decision-making process and journey.

Why The Evewell

Here for you, every step of the way

We understand that making the decision to freeze your eggs can be a big step into the unknown.

Our team have been trained to support women wishing to undergo fertility treatment on their own, ensuring sensitivity and individual circumstances are considered during appointments.

We offer slightly longer appointment times, to ensure you’ve been able to ask all the questions you may have and you’re welcome to bring someone with you to your appointments.

About Us
Two embryologists in the laboratory discussing samples on an ipad

A world-class embryology team

Unique to The Evewell is allowing all patients access to our entire team, including the embryology team, who will be fully involved in your journey.

During this meeting, usually before you commence your treatment, the team will take time to explain the differences between freezing eggs and embryos.

Our Laboratory Team
Things to consider

Is egg freezing right for me?

Before you start your egg freezing journey, there are some key points to consider:

Your Egg Freezing Journey

What does a typical egg freezing cycle look like?

We know that undergoing egg freezing treatment can be an anxious and stressful time. Our team will guide and support you throughout your journey whilst ensuring they deliver first-class clinical results.

Step 01
Individualised Plan

Step 01
Individualised Plan

Once we have established if egg freezing is most appropriate for your future family plans, we design an individualised treatment plan to deliver the best possible results for you.

You’ll then spend time with one of our specialist fertility nurses who will guide you through your individualised treatment plan and be on hand to provide you with care and support throughout your journey.

Illustration of a fertility doctor in a fertility clinic laboratory

Step 02
On your schedule

Step 02
On your schedule

We do everything we can to work around your life and your cycle. Only when you’re ready, your egg freezing treatment will start.

This means no extra hormonal medication to align your cycle with our schedules, we just ask for you to call us when your period starts. This might mean more work for us, but it means less stress on your body.

illustration of timer in light pink

Step 03

Step 03

Once you start your stimulation injections, you’ll likely meet with your consultant at least twice during the stimulation phase.

And even though you have one consultant, you benefit from the entire team’s experience and knowledge when they review your progress at our daily ‘All Hands’ meeting.

During this meeting, we make any necessary adjustments to treatment plans or medication, ensuring fully comprehensive medical care.

Illustration of a fertility treatment injection and hands in blue

Step 04
Egg Collection

Step 04
Egg Collection

Wherever possible, your consultant will perform your egg collection, working closely with the embryology team.

Your retrieved eggs will be evaluated and cryopreserved by an embryologist the same day. If you are opting to create and freeze embryos, you will be updated by the embryology team on Day 5.

Illustration of a fertility doctor in a fertility clinic laboratory

Step 05
Fertility aftercare

Step 05
Fertility aftercare

Once you’ve had your egg collection, you will have a follow-up consultation with your doctor to review your treatment.

When you’re ready to discuss starting your family, you’ll arrange a meeting with your consultant to discuss the best plan of action for egg fertilisation, if you don’t have embryos stored, and possible investigative tests before any embryo transfer to help maximise your chances of pregnancy.

Illustration of a woman

How much is egg freezing likely to cost?

We know that egg freezing is not only an emotional commitment but also a financial one too, so we’ve made sure our prices are competitive.

We always recommend to patients that when comparing prices between clinics they ensure that they have prices for all the elements that a clinic expects a patient to pay for.

Contact one of our Patient Services team today to further discuss treatment costs.

Illustration of a women with a baby
Egg freezing cycle

Price includes one cycle of egg freezing, up to five scans and one year of egg storage.

Blood tests and medications, which will vary depending on personal requirements, are not included.

Please see below a sample egg freezing costing.

Egg storage

Per year.


Frequently asked questions about Egg Freezing

The time it takes to complete one cycle of egg freezing depends on your recommended treatment. However, for most women, one cycle of egg freezing will take between two to four weeks.

Day 1: Call our nursing team on the first day of your cycle when you have fresh red bleeding before 6pm. They will book in an ultrasound scan and blood test for the next day.

Day 2: You will come into the clinic for your blood test and scan. Your nurse will then confirm that you are ready to start your medications which you will take daily.

Day 4-10: You will come into the clinic every 2-3 days for an ultrasound scan to monitor your cycle.

Day 12: Typically on Day 12 you will have a trigger injection in preparation for your egg collection.

Day 14: On the day of egg collection you will come to the clinic for the consultant to perform the egg collection. During the cycle you will have daily contact with our nursing team and patient services team who will guide you through the process, support your journey and give you any assistance you need. Your cycle will be monitored daily by the consultant, embryologist and nurse.

In preparation for your treatment, the doctor may recommend a long protocol of stimulation. During this regime, your natural hormone production is suppressed to enable the doctor to have complete control of the stimulation of your ovaries and the time of ovulation. This is done by daily medication, administered by either an injection or nasal spray.

We understand that the thought of administering medication yourself at home can be a daunting one. Therefore, before you start treatment you will have a consultation with one of our experienced nursing team who will be able to explain all medications, demonstrate in detail how to administer them and teach you how to do this at home.

This depends on how you are responding to the medication. During the stimulation stage, you’ll attend appointments for both blood and ultrasound scans every 2-3 days, so your consultant can continually review your progress through the stimulation phase and personalise your treatment. We’ll work with you to ensure these appointments can be managed around your day-to-day life.

Your egg collection will be done under sedation, at either Harley Street or West London, depending on where your consultant is based. You won’t be awake for the procedure and you will be considered a day patient, however, you will need someone to help take you home as you won’t be able to drive or use public transport.

Your eggs, or embryos if you chose to use a partner or donor sperm, will be frozen via a vitrification process that rapidly super-cools the eggs or embryos, storing them in a glass-like state preventing the formation of ice crystals which destroy them.

We would expect 95% or more of good quality eggs which have been vitrified to survive when being thawed for treatment. Eggs that survive the thawing process quite often progress as though they were never vitrified, achieving fertilisation rates, embryo quality and pregnancy rates comparable to fresh ICSI-IVF cycles.

Before and during your cycle we advise that you maintain a healthy and balanced diet and take a Folic Acid and Vitamin D supplement. During your cycle you need to avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine. Light exercise, such as walking, pilates and yoga are all suitable but you should avoid high-intensity exercise.

Want to talk?

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020 3974 0950
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Consultant and patient sitting at a desk discussing PCOS and treatment options

Hi, I’m Amy

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